An Affordable Coaching Program Designed To
Accelerate Your Fundraising Capacity
This is the most important step and the one most people just like you simply lack time, resources and frankly speaking, the objectivity to accomplish. My third eye view asks the right questions to examine your fundraising programs, top to bottom, and reveals actionable strategies to prioritize resources. Together we will quickly identify where you are, where you want to go, and the steps to get you there. The answers will help you work smarter not harder.
Create - Action Plan
Every organization is unique and has different needs, priorities and as many ways to get there. Together we will develop a detailed, customized action plan to help you raise funds more efficiently and effectively. You can expect your plan to yield increased fundraising results – at least 20% or more year after year.
Teach - Fundraising
Fundraising is both an art and a science, and it takes years of proficiency to get it just right. I provide personalized coaching and support for executive directors, development staff and board members to improve flat results and identify fundraising challenges. We will quickly turn your obstacles into success, and use my proven experience and objective third eye to identify when to say “no”. With the right elements in place, you can expect a stronger, more knowledgeable staff and a board that will feel confident and engaged.
Your action plan will likely include:
Creation of a development plan and budget
Crafting of a more effective Case Statement and messaging
Operations, board and staffing re-alignment
Friendraising/stewardship plans that motivate
Step by step prospecting and cultivation plans
Improvement to database and operational systems
Event strategy review with a specific growth action plan
Sustain – Strategic Workshop with Board and/or Staff
Fundraising requires a team, and a team is not created without planning, engagement and yes: actual teamwork! We will plan a one-day strategic retreat with specific follow-up objectives, tactics and timelines. This is an opportunity to identify what you can do better, and what is needed to make it happen. Whether you want a new development blueprint, or to increase engagement and honest dialogue, or to complete a SWOT analysis to pinpoint priorities, we will develop an achievable plan that increases your bandwidth and bottom line $$!