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Make Fundraising Work for You!



Choose to be Optimistic. It feels better."

Dalai Lama


I have read a lot of stories recently reporting a drop in giving nationally. Perhaps that's true, or more likely it is just one more example of incomplete analysis based on regional trends that do not apply to South Florida.

Does anyone believe housing prices are going down, as is reported almost daily in the legacy media? Not here anyway. I hate to poke the bear, but where's that recession that's been expertly promised for 2 years now?

I believe Covid created many trends that are resistant to analysis. So if you believe philanthropy is on a downward trend in South Florida, I beg to disagree. Just look around you. I'd rather believe what I see, than what I read in national publications that are looking for headlines.

Philanthropy continues full-speed ahead. Events are growing, grants continue flowing, campaigns launch weekly, impressive new gifts are announced regularly, and local giving continues to grow, including contributions from fabulous new people that are joining us daily. That is what I see. We are in the midst of dynamic growth. The leaders and resources we need are already out there, we just need to tap into them!. If we fail to engage them, it's no one's fault but our own.

Conversely, the needs also continue to expand. I would argue that now is the time to do more than ever.

Our new season is almost upon us. Is your organization growing? Are you planning new programs and testing innovative ideas for the Fall? Do you feel confident?

If not, let me help you fix that!


So what exactly can we do . . . . . . .

Engage Your Board: Are your board members involved in fundraising? There are proven ways to make it happen.

Major Gift Strategies: Do you spend time developing long-term gift strategies, or is most of your time spent on endless events and one-time gifts? Let’s change that.

Donor Identification: You can't raise money without first finding and engaging your prospects. Let's create step-by-step processes. It's easier than you think.

Capital Campaigns:Does your board know what a capital campaign can do? Whether it’s for a building or a major growth phase, it's good to think big and act long-term.

Grants: Grants should be the core of growth. We can research, write, strategize, and help shape projects that are attractive to grantors.

Special Events: Do your events get stuck on wash, rinse, repeat? Learn how to change things up and create strategies that lead to growth and fun.

Re-Organization and Hiring: Many organizations can't get going until we identify what doesn't work and add new impact. Sometimes you just need an outside viewpoint that helps drive change.



Ready to Help You Soar

Let me share my 30+ years of fundraising experience to launch impactful fundraising, engaged leadership, and exciting growth.

Use the link below to set up a quick call, or just send me an email at Let's do it!

Rolando Damian Rodriguez, CFRE Crosspoint Philanthropy

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