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Reflections from the Beach


I was sitting on the beach yesterday, enjoying my growing family and the (very) hot weather, and waiting for the fireworks. I am always pensive and a bit sad on the 4th of July, thinking of my mom and her courage to have come to Miami with nothing.

Then I came across an article that I think says it all perfectly, better than I ever could!

It's from The Free Press (a modern American media miracle by itself), and its title is All Immigrants Are Born on the Fourth of July.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

For some, the glass feels 3/4 empty, while for others it's 90% full. I am in the latter camp and feel so fortunate to work with caring people who are dedicated to helping others.

There is always more to do. But for now, I hope you enjoyed your 4th as much as I did, and my best wishes for a great rest of the summer!


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