It’s Not Too Late!!
Properly thanking supporters is a fundamental part of great donor stewardship. But not all thank you’s are alike.
When you send a personal thank you note or letter, it shows your supporters that their gift has been especially appreciated. When someone can hear you say “thank you” – just to them – it feels different.
It feels (and is) personal. And you create a warm opportunity to strengthen the connection a donor feels with you.
End Your Year with a Meaningful Thank You
When a thank you is delivered personally, it feels completely different than sending an email or announcing a general thank you.
Spend your time on this now, it’s important.
Here is a simple process
Select Your List
Select supporters and board members who especially deserve your attention. Create a simple spreadsheet with addresses and notes that will help you personalize.
Design a Card
Order personal thank you cards. Creating a beautiful card will take about 24 hours using an endless variety of online print resources – many of which can be picked up locally.
Personalize each note
Send each special friend a personalized, hand-written, hand-addressed note. Include something unique for each. Use blue ink and don’t forget to use a nice stamp!
Too many donors?
Do you really have too many donors to thank personally? If you think so, stay home, lock yourself in the office, do whatever you have to do. This is more important!
And if you really want to make an impact during this holiday season, consider calling or stopping by someone’s office to deliver a “thank you” in person.
The world is all about relationships, and nothing beats a sincere, in-person visit and perhaps even a small gift that further expresses your appreciation.
How can you do a better job of saying thank you?
Tell a story
Use a personal anecdote
Don’t make it too too polished.
Restrain yourself from spouting statistics.Use moving phrases, personal words, and don't be formal.
Are you repeating the same things over and over? What can you say that feels brand new to the person reading it?” If you are looking for a bit of inspiration, I found one resource that can get you going. Not surprisingly, it’s from Hallmark Cards: Inspirational Messages
Improved stewardship processes are
critical to donor retention and engagement.
Final Word
Nothing beats a personalized and sincere thank you organization’s true friends. Show them that you care too. And let them know that you sincerely value them during this season of thanks.
It’s not too late. Stop thinking. Take out your lists. Bring out your blue pen. Practice saying “thank you,” and create the nonprofit that is known for truly valuing its supporters.